I have had a very stressful week. It started out great, the kids were doing good, they did their homework with no problem etc. But things started to go down hill on Tuesday, JM had a BAD day at school and it continued after he got home. It was all in all a very tough day for him.
Wednesday was much better for him but not for me, I think that things are starting to hit me like a load of bricks. Them being in school, the diagnosis, my husbands new job just life.
Thursday, today, JM had a great day at school but I learn that he is having bad days on the bus. Every day this week there has been an incident with him on the bus. Now I have to go in and have a talk with the school concerning his behavior on the bus. Then in tumbling tonight he had one melt down after another. It just seemed that nothing was going according to the way it should in his mind. As a result he lashed out, cried, kicked and screamed. Thank goodness Elmo is so great with him.
Then I check his book bag and it was the straw that broke the camels back. A note home from his resource teacher. He needs special classes for reading and math. I here this is normal for kids with aspergers and to be honest I expected it but getting it and reading it, even when you expect it, makes it all so real.
So I sit here with "mommy juice" trying to take it all in, trying to come to grips with my new reality and to deal with that big brick hitting me upside my head. I guess this is what my close friend meant not so long ago when she was so worried about me and worried about how I was doing. I guess I was in more denial than I thought I was. But then again that is what denial is.
Lets hope that tomorrow is a good day for him and for me.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Who would think that not having cable and internet for three days would have such an impact on someone. Friday night we had a bad electrical storm in the area and as a result we lost internet and cable till late yesterday afternoon (Monday). This incident helped me to see how much we depend on this service it also showed me that I really do not need the internet as much as I think I do. I spent so much time with the kids playing outside and we even all went to eat dinner, seeing how there was nothing else to do, as my husband said. We had a great weekend as a family. So I challenge all of you to turn off the computer and television and spend time talking to your children this week.
As a family we have committed to be unplugged for a certain amount of time every week, we will not answer our phones, my husband is not allowed to check his crackberry and I have to stay off my computer. We will have family time.
On another note, school is going great for the kids. JM is adjusting very well and they are thriving on being in separate classes. I think that right now the person benefiting the most is Douglas, he told me mom. I do not have to worry about JM and KR now. He is my caretaker of the three. This is giving him the chance to be a happy boy, a fun easy relaxed child.
Other than that there is not much new in our household this week.
As a family we have committed to be unplugged for a certain amount of time every week, we will not answer our phones, my husband is not allowed to check his crackberry and I have to stay off my computer. We will have family time.
On another note, school is going great for the kids. JM is adjusting very well and they are thriving on being in separate classes. I think that right now the person benefiting the most is Douglas, he told me mom. I do not have to worry about JM and KR now. He is my caretaker of the three. This is giving him the chance to be a happy boy, a fun easy relaxed child.
Other than that there is not much new in our household this week.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
What a wonderful afternoon.
I had such a sweet experience with the children this afternoon. After dinner Kalie Rose told me "mommy, you go sit down and have a rest I will clean" Then the three of them proceeded to clean the kitchen and keeping room. Every toy was picked up, John Michael swept the floor, Douglas picked up all the markers and crayons, Kalie was busy picking up the clutter. Before it was over with the table, kitchen counters and even kitchen chair were wiped down with wipes, not a crumb on the floor and I did not have to lift a finger.
I have no idea what I did to deserve this today, but you know now they are in trouble because well they have just proven to me that they can do it, and of course I paid them when they were finished, they each got $.50 because they did not have to be asked and they did so much. Heck they even put my shoes outside where they go.
Then the funny thing happened, I was putting Kalie Rose into bed, we had read a story where the girl gets a gerbil in the end of the book, she said "Mommy. if you let me have one of those I will keep him in his prison"
I think she means cage..
Oh forgot to mention when they went up to get ready for bed they cleaned their rooms and bathrooms.
what wonderful children I have.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Conversation with an old friend. - Mamma Bear
I ran into a n old friend this past week, she apologized for losing touch with me and for not being there when we got JM's diagnosis. She acted as if I should have lost it, like really lost it when I was told. She was surprised at my resonse and seems to think that I am not letting it sink in. I assured her that I was well aware of what this meant for him and our family. She just kept apologizing to me, asking me about my support network and what was I going to do.
The best way I can answer this question is that I am going to get up tomorrow, I am going to get dressed, I am going to get the kids dressed and I am going to live my life. I have no choice in the manner. I do not have time to lose it. I have to be my children's advocate, I have to fight for them and the fight is only beginning. I know that I will have days that I do not feel like getting out of bed, I will have times that all I want to do is cry but I also know that in order to ensure that my children have all that they need I need to be strong.
The therapist I go to for the kids, she has been with us since the kids were two years old, calls me mama bear and has me talk to some of her new moms in the practice and has me talk to them about what they need to do to help their child. She say I am strong and encouraging and she uses my children as examples all the time, examples of how far they have come. So if I have to be known as Mommy bear the tough one then I shall be.
The best way I can answer this question is that I am going to get up tomorrow, I am going to get dressed, I am going to get the kids dressed and I am going to live my life. I have no choice in the manner. I do not have time to lose it. I have to be my children's advocate, I have to fight for them and the fight is only beginning. I know that I will have days that I do not feel like getting out of bed, I will have times that all I want to do is cry but I also know that in order to ensure that my children have all that they need I need to be strong.
The therapist I go to for the kids, she has been with us since the kids were two years old, calls me mama bear and has me talk to some of her new moms in the practice and has me talk to them about what they need to do to help their child. She say I am strong and encouraging and she uses my children as examples all the time, examples of how far they have come. So if I have to be known as Mommy bear the tough one then I shall be.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
It occurred to me that I rarely post about their dad, my husband the man that helped to make all of this possible.
K really is a great father, he goes above and beyond for me and the children. I could not ask for a better husband or dad for the kids. He is always there, helping every steep of the way, always has been. He never blinked when I needed him to get up two or three times a night to help me with feeding them when they were babies, then as they grew he continued to change diapers. help with potty training, help with what ever I needed help with. Even now at the age of five he feeds them dinner every night and puts them to bed. He also does bath time.
I do not believe we could have a better father for the kids or husband for me.
Do not get me wrong we have our moments, like all married couples we have out times, our fights, our issues. Having multiples has not always been the easiest thing in the world, there has been fights, times that we were so tired from lack of sleep that we could hardly kiss good night (much less anything else) Then there is the stress of having three babies at once, premature ones that puts so much stress on a marriage, the hospital visits, then the sleepless nights.
Through it all K was my rock, the one thing in my life that was constant and secure during all the hard times was K.
So while I may complain about him from time to time, while I may not always show how much I appreciate all he does for our family he is the rock that keeps me going, a great husband and an awesome father.
K really is a great father, he goes above and beyond for me and the children. I could not ask for a better husband or dad for the kids. He is always there, helping every steep of the way, always has been. He never blinked when I needed him to get up two or three times a night to help me with feeding them when they were babies, then as they grew he continued to change diapers. help with potty training, help with what ever I needed help with. Even now at the age of five he feeds them dinner every night and puts them to bed. He also does bath time.
I do not believe we could have a better father for the kids or husband for me.
Do not get me wrong we have our moments, like all married couples we have out times, our fights, our issues. Having multiples has not always been the easiest thing in the world, there has been fights, times that we were so tired from lack of sleep that we could hardly kiss good night (much less anything else) Then there is the stress of having three babies at once, premature ones that puts so much stress on a marriage, the hospital visits, then the sleepless nights.
Through it all K was my rock, the one thing in my life that was constant and secure during all the hard times was K.
So while I may complain about him from time to time, while I may not always show how much I appreciate all he does for our family he is the rock that keeps me going, a great husband and an awesome father.
Friday, August 14, 2009
First week of school
This has been such a big week for us and it has been a good week. Our family, the triplets, have taken a new step in life and have begun a new journey. For the most part it has been a great week. Mommy has found that she enjoys the quiet of the house and being able to get things done without the stress of the kids.
The kids are thriving at school, they get up wanting to go and excited about what new things they will get to do during the day. They are making new friends and memories. I am so proud of them and of what they have accomplished.
It does not seem possible that they are old enough to go to school. Just six years ago I was starting my cycle of shots that lead to the positive pregnancy test that resulted in finding out that our family was growing by three and not one.
It has been an amazing journey to get to this point. Do not get me wrong there were times that all four of us were sitting on the living room floor crying or that I was singing at the top of my lungs to try and get two of them to stop crying while I gave one a bottle. Then I learned to sit on the floor and give all three a bottle at the same time. So while it has not always been easy it has been well worth every hard day, every tear that was shed and every stressed out evening. I would not trade the past five years for anything. But in saying that I must say that I am really enjoying this next phase of our life, I am going to enjoy being able to do some things for my self for a change to be able to be something other than the triplets mom.
Gone are the days of the rude statements, I am glad it is you and not me, ON My Triplets did you did IVF, or my goodness what were you thinking. Now I have a quiet house, I have kids that seem to really love school ( I know it has only been a week) and I have me time.
I have no idea what I am going to do with all of my spare time, I am sure I will come up with something.
Thanks again for reading.
The kids are thriving at school, they get up wanting to go and excited about what new things they will get to do during the day. They are making new friends and memories. I am so proud of them and of what they have accomplished.
It does not seem possible that they are old enough to go to school. Just six years ago I was starting my cycle of shots that lead to the positive pregnancy test that resulted in finding out that our family was growing by three and not one.
It has been an amazing journey to get to this point. Do not get me wrong there were times that all four of us were sitting on the living room floor crying or that I was singing at the top of my lungs to try and get two of them to stop crying while I gave one a bottle. Then I learned to sit on the floor and give all three a bottle at the same time. So while it has not always been easy it has been well worth every hard day, every tear that was shed and every stressed out evening. I would not trade the past five years for anything. But in saying that I must say that I am really enjoying this next phase of our life, I am going to enjoy being able to do some things for my self for a change to be able to be something other than the triplets mom.
Gone are the days of the rude statements, I am glad it is you and not me, ON My Triplets did you did IVF, or my goodness what were you thinking. Now I have a quiet house, I have kids that seem to really love school ( I know it has only been a week) and I have me time.
I have no idea what I am going to do with all of my spare time, I am sure I will come up with something.
Thanks again for reading.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Day three of school and a note home from a teacher
We had tons of rain today so the kids were not allowed to play outside, instead they stayed in their rooms and did centers and played games. Which is fine, the kids know how to play games. The only problem being that JM does not handle taking turns well. He gets frustrated and sometimes acts out. You guessed it he did not like playing games today and tore a chutes and ladders game.
So tonight off to target I go to replace the game, I am going to make JM pay for it out of his allowance money so that maybe he will learn a lesson from this.
He also has his first homework, he has to write his name several times. Wish me luck with this one..
So tonight off to target I go to replace the game, I am going to make JM pay for it out of his allowance money so that maybe he will learn a lesson from this.
He also has his first homework, he has to write his name several times. Wish me luck with this one..
Monday, August 10, 2009
Kindergarten Rocks..
What a great first day of school we all had. I got some much needed rest, visited with friends over a moms breakfast at my house and the kids loved every minute of it.
They got off the bus all grins, smiling from ear to ear and chattering up a storm. They could not get it out fast enough. Their favorite part was lunch.. They loved picking their own food and sitting with their friends.
The best part, no one cried, not even mommy. Okay I think daddy got a tad teary but that was it. I am so proud of my big kids.. Where on earth has the time gone
It seems like they were just babies and here we are going off to school for the first time.
I think I am going to enjoy my peace and quiet for a while.
So all that no sleep last night was for nothing..
Now I am exhausted and they seem tired as well, so the first day took it out of all of us. I think we will all sleep well tonight.
I did put them in different classes and they did great today with it. Kalie was my biggest concern, I was so worried she would cry and be sad, but according to her teacher she was talking, and participating in class and music. So it seems all is good with the decision to have them separate.
first day. nervous,
school. Kindergarten,
Sunday, August 09, 2009
Tomorrow is our big day.

I would be lying if I said that I have not wanted this day to come for some time, do not get me wrong I want this. I need this, but a part of me is still sad. Sad that this 5.5 years has gone by so fast, that they are old enough to go off to school and will be riding the bus tomorrow. It is so hard to believe that this time has gone by and that they are going to be leaving me tomorrow.
They have not been my babies for a very long time, this is just a big step for all of us. So tomorrow when you are having your coffee think about me, say a little prayer that all of us get through this day, even if a tear or two is shed.
My babies are making a very important step tomorrow, one onto a big yellow bus.
This picture was take when they were two months old, they had not been home from the hospital for long. They have come such a long way in five years..
first day. nervous,
Friday, August 07, 2009
Open House night at school
Who knew there was so much stuff for kids in kindergarten. I had one hour to met three teachers, the speech therapist, ot, and sign them up for lunch and get their agenda's. I felt like I was the tornado running through the school, which if I must say was a mad house.
Now I must get organized and everything ready for Monday morning, it seems to never end.
The boys were very excited about their class rooms, in fact their favorite part was the pencil sharpeners. Who would have thought that a pencil sharpener could be so much fun. To my five year olds they were.
I am very excited about their teachers and where their class rooms are located. Kalie is sitting at a table full of blond hair little girls. She will love that. I hate that she did not get to go last night but then again it would have just been that much more fun for mommy had she been with me.
Douglas and Kalie have their first homework assignment. Yes, I am serious. Douglas has to place items in a small white bag that represent who he is (train and helicopter I told him we should put a picture of him, Kalie and JM as well. Kalie has to do a picture story, pictures of her family and favorite things.
So the fun begins.
Now I must get organized and everything ready for Monday morning, it seems to never end.
The boys were very excited about their class rooms, in fact their favorite part was the pencil sharpeners. Who would have thought that a pencil sharpener could be so much fun. To my five year olds they were.
I am very excited about their teachers and where their class rooms are located. Kalie is sitting at a table full of blond hair little girls. She will love that. I hate that she did not get to go last night but then again it would have just been that much more fun for mommy had she been with me.
Douglas and Kalie have their first homework assignment. Yes, I am serious. Douglas has to place items in a small white bag that represent who he is (train and helicopter I told him we should put a picture of him, Kalie and JM as well. Kalie has to do a picture story, pictures of her family and favorite things.
So the fun begins.
Wednesday, August 05, 2009
Fun Filled week with my boys
Kalie is spending the last week of freedom (for them) at her grandparents so it is just me and the boys. We have been so busy.
We started our week by going to see Aliens in the Attic. Let me just say this is the funniest movie, they laughed so hard at times It was a wonder they were not hurting. Yesterday we were off to the water park and today we will be seeing G Force. I have to get the "Boy" movies in while little miss is away.
Tomorrow we are having a water day with the neighbors, getting out our pools, water slides and yes water balloons. I am trying to have an action packed week for them for their last week home.
I talked with their teachers this week, all seems to be a go for next week. We will have a chance to met them Thursday night. Wish me luck. Three teachers in one hour..
We started our week by going to see Aliens in the Attic. Let me just say this is the funniest movie, they laughed so hard at times It was a wonder they were not hurting. Yesterday we were off to the water park and today we will be seeing G Force. I have to get the "Boy" movies in while little miss is away.
Tomorrow we are having a water day with the neighbors, getting out our pools, water slides and yes water balloons. I am trying to have an action packed week for them for their last week home.
I talked with their teachers this week, all seems to be a go for next week. We will have a chance to met them Thursday night. Wish me luck. Three teachers in one hour..
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