As most are aware the triplets have all been diagnosed with Sensory Processing Disorder, or SPD. As a result they have a delay in speech, and gross and fine motor skills. While we have come a long way in the past several years, we still have a ways to go.
John Michael is the most delayed and is lacking in upper body strength, I am thinking I may sign him up for gymnastics, as this has helped Kalie Rose so much with hers. He also has issues with behavior, speech and dealing with frustrations. He gets focused on something and can not let it go. Which can make for some very long days, and sometimes weeks. This has been one of those weeks. In addition he is considered to be a sensory avoider, he hates loud noises, bright lights and avoids high impact activities. As far as speech JM needs to learn to control his inflection, he does not really know when he is talking too loud and tends to scream a good bit.
Douglas, is a sensory seeker and well avoider at times. He has a very difficult time adjusting to bright lights, mornings are not fun for this little guy. But for the most part he is looks for high impact activities, always crashing into things, running wild, well all boy. He has great upper body strength and fine motor skills, however some of his gross motor skills are not up to bar. His speech is more delayed than JM, but in a different way, he has articulation problems.
Kalie, is a mix, there are some activities she seeks and others she just will not do. She is painfully shy and has a hard time in large crowds and places that are overly noisy. She also has articulation problems. Our therapist are not sure she will qualify for services through the school district, it is questionable.
So where do we go from here, on the 30th they are being evaluated by the school district, and JM is going to a developmental ped this summer to make sure we are not missing anything else. It has been a roller coaster ride at times. But I am thankful for the services we have received up to this point and the progress the kids have made.
While they are doing great and improving every day, I know we still have a long way to go. Pray for us.
You will be in my prayers! SPD is tough! There are so many days that I am so happy the Lord gave me my children b/c at times I think that nobody else would have the amount of patience that I have with them. It's a tough road, it's a long road but together with support we can all help one another.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for stopping by my blog and for adding my buttons. I hope you'll stop by more often. And right now I still have my teether giveaway going on at the SPD Life. It's been extended b/c we're still pretty new. Hope you'll try it out!