
Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Almost six years old

It is hard to believe that at the end of the month my babies will be six years old. Yes I know that they are far from the baby stage but they will always be my babies. We have come so far in the past six years and they have achieved so much. I am so proud of them, of all that they can do, of how much they love and how sweet they are. It is going to be a good year for us and we are excited about their birthday parties.

Kalie has been a tyrant as of late, I know it is mine and KP's fault as we allowed her to come back down stairs after bed time to eat with us a few times, or to color. She got to where she expected this, and it did lead to her watching tv in our room a couple nights, and again now she expects that. She is getting bossy and thinks she can sass us. So now we are having to do the work to retrain her, to get the point across that mom and dad are the boss and not her. We did this to ourselves so I am not asking for pity just advice if you have any.

The boys are doing just great, school is moving right a long and they are showing improvement every day in their work. We had snow AGAIN yesterday and they were not even excited about it. They love our Maxwell and enjoy having a new dog in the house.

So nothing exciting, nothing much to write about..


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